New Review


The Private Misadventures of Nell Nobody will be reviewed in Booklife, Publishers Weekly’s indy magazine, in the September 25 issue. I received an advance copy of the review yesterday. Overall I’m quite pleased and I will try to apply the reviewer’s critique in the next books.

Sorry if anyone found the detailed descriptions overly nerdy! I love those details but I suppose not everyone cares about the anatomy of a ship or how to fire a cannon. I think they’re necessary to create a convincing milieu , but if you don’t need them for your enjoyment of the story, you can skip those parts. I’ll never know.

Did you think there’s too much exposition? Did you ever have trouble figuring out who was speaking? If yes, please tell me!

Me being me, I couldn’t help noticing that there were errors in the text of the review. Proofread, people! We’re supposed to be professionals! Maybe they’ll correct them before it goes for publication (but it’s up on the website as is).


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