The gorgeous illustration on John Sandoe Ltd’s paper book bag. The actual shop on a rainy Tuesday morning. The Bookshop of Dreams… I originally discovered John Sandoe Books quite unintentionally. I ordered a book
Author: Jennifer Newbold
Random Acts of Kindness? Recently I’ve been receiving complementary, encouraging comments on my posts. Each blog post receives the same comment from the same, or a slightly different, IP addresses.
Nell Continues to Impress England’s international Page Turner Awards competition announced today that The Private Misadventures of Nell Nobody is a finalist in the Book Award category, and has advanced
From Long Road Home, the final book in the Eleanor Anson trilogy We have been at sea for twelve days, and we are within a few days of reaching Marseilles
Content Warnings I just read an article about something I never considered when I wrote my books: content warnings. Content warnings, which I only just learnt about (and
Rebecca Stott’s Ghostwalk Rebecca Stott has a new historical fiction novel, Dark Earth, being released today and it sounds amazing! See her Twitter feed here: I have pre-ordered it
Signs and Portents, Traitors, Recusants, and Other Dangerous Men In the wake of the Gunpowder Plot, the court of James I suspects treachery everywhere. Who better to dispose of
Adventure, Romance, Heroism, and Glamour on the High Seas Erm… maybe not glamour. Not unless your idea or glamour is dirt, blood, sweat, and tears. And no romance upfront, either.
What colour was Lord Nelson’s hair? Artists overwhelmingly portrayed Horatio Nelson as having white or grey hair. Even the portrait by Rigaud, painted when Nelson was a young man of
How much do my characters reflect me? A friend of mine asked me, in regard to The Private Misadventures of Nell Nobody, if my protagonist was ‘me’. To be honest, I